+353 45 530 869


There are so many factors to consider when contemplating investment. Changes in legislation, globalisation, population growth, a more educated workforce, volatile markets and developments in technology are all having a major impact on investment returns in each asset class.

Tie these variables in with the movement in interest rates, oil prices, sovereign debt, inflation, currencies and geo political influences, and you have an extremely complicated investment climate.

Discipline, diversification, active management and frequent reviews are now more important than ever.

Pension Structures has the expertise to consider every factor and to sift through the minefield, so that you get the best advice and the best options, whether you have a short, medium or long-term investment horizon.

Pension Structures advise on all areas of savings and investments for private and corporate clients as follows:

  • Equities
  • Asset Allocation
  • Property Funds
  • Deposits
  • Tracker Bonds
  • Corporate and Government Bonds
  • Capital Secure Funds
  • Alternative Assets
  • Commodities
  • Private Equity

WARNING: The value of your investment may go down as well as up.